I’m struggling!

I’m struggling with my partner.  I’m struggling with my team.  I’m struggling with my past.  I’m struggling with debt.  I’m struggling with everything!

When you say or read the phrase “I’m struggling”, how does it make you feel when you stop and think about it?  Are you feeling constricted?  Does your energy drop a bit?  Are you feeling a tightening anywhere in your body?  I sure do.  It’s a phrase steeped in lack.

That got me thinking.  How could I shift these words to something better?

Then it hit me!

How does it feel when you instead change your words or thoughts from struggle to I’m curious”?

  • I’m curious why my partner reacted to me that way.
  • I’m curious about why my team is missing project deadlines.
  • I’m curious about why our departments are not communicating effectively with each other.
  • I’m curious about the best way to pay off my debts early and I’m grateful I have the money to cover them.
  • I’m curious about what I can do differently now so as not to repeat what happened in the past.

Wow!  Doesn’t this subtle shift feel much more expansive?  More allowing?  More, well, curious?  Can you see how this shift from the lack and stuck-ness becomes one of abundant opportunities and resolutions?

Another related word shift when you’re feeling guilty or bad about past events or decisions (which you cannot change by the way) is to get even more curious and explore what you learned about it. 

Stop the self-guilt, self-judgment, self-pity, anger, or whatever you are feeling about the past “issue”.  Because you can’t change what happened, you can let yourself off the hook of the lack thinking and allow compassion, grace, and ease to flow in by shifting your perspective.  Simply cut the cord to that energy and look for the gifts in what happened. 

And yes, in some situations it’s difficult to find the gifts.  I’ve created several of those moments in my life experience. But the gift you can always be grateful for is what you learned in any situation and to make sure that you apply that learning to avoid future difficult situations or drama.

For me, the gift I can always fall back on, if nothing else, is recognizing the situation I’m pontificating happened because I followed my analytical left-brain-survival-mode-logic and I went against my intuitive gut feeling.  I’ve learned that my intuition is always pointing me in the right direction so I should listen to that instead.

I process the lower level energy.  I let it go.  I have compassion for my humanness.  I forgive myself.  I forgive the other person(s) that may have been involved. I realize that going forward I will instead follow my heart and because of that action, the situation won’t repeat itself in the present or the future.  

“Issue” solved!  That’s the gift!

No more struggling!  Remove that word from your vocabulary.  Embrace your curiosity with an open heart.  Explore what you learn from every uncomfortable situation and embrace the revelations and intuitive hits that come to you.  You’ll be glad you did.

Here's an Empowering Exercise for Setting the Struggles Free

Think of a past or current situation you’ve struggled with or have trouble letting go and write down in your journal what happened in great detail.  Include how this situation made you feel, the emotions that came up for you, and how the situation is still affecting you in the present moment.

After writing the details down, review and get curious. Consider these questions in your journal.

  • Why is this situation or struggle still bothering me today?
  • What feelings and emotions is it bringing up for me?
  • Is this past or current situation something I can change?
  • What are the gifts I can embrace in this situation?
  • How can I grow from what I learned about this situation?
  • How can I energetically release what I’m feeling and carrying with me?

Now let’s work to energetically heal you from this situation.  There are many techniques you can use and I’ve listed a few below that I really love.  Pick the ones that resonate with you and/or try them all.

  • Cut the cord.  Because you are still feeling the attachment to the situation as you journal about it, understand and visualize that you have energetic cords that attach you to it.  You may have energetic cords, like fishing lines, that attach you to the other person(s) in that situation.  Allow yourself to sit quietly and use your hand to physically karate chop the energetic attachment to that situation or person.  As you are doing so, say out loud and with feeling, “Thank you for what you taught me. I am grateful. I now release you.  It is done.  All is well”.   Breathe deeply and smile.
  • Release it to the Universe.  In your journal, after writing through the situation and questions above, release the energy of the writing to the Universe, God, Buddha, Angels, Spirit Guides, your Source, or whomever resonates with you.  I like to write these words in my journal and also say them out loud:  “Dear Universe, this burden is too big for me to carry any longer so I am releasing it over to you.  I am grateful for this release and I no longer hold any attachment to it.  It is done. All is well.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”  Breathe deeply and smile.
  • Burn it!  Take the pages you have written and release them forever in a fire burning ritual (outside and in a safe manner, of course).  Light the corners of the pages and drop them into a fire pit or campfire.  Focus on the flame and smoke as your energetic release.  Say the words from “Release it to the Universe” above.  Breathe deeply and smile.

And as a bonus, if you have any resistance to journaling, understand that writing down all of your thoughts and feelings without censoring is also an extremely powerful energetic release and will bring you at least some level of relief as will saying the mantras out loud and with feeling.  You may grow to love journaling if you approach it with that perspective.

I wish you great healing and I’d love to hear your thoughts and successes when you try out these methods.  Have a lovely day, my friend! 

About the Author:

As a Midlife Transformation Guide, Master Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Desire Factor™ Coach, Energy Master, and Author, Karen is passionate about supporting women in silencing their inner critic so they can joyfully thrive in the second half of their lives.The time is now to release feeling stuck, stressed and unhappy so you can feel free, empowered, and ready to cocreate a marvelous life. Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! Start by downloading your free eGuide: 3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (so you can hear your inner wisdom) to learn strategies to help you consciously create your life instead of creating by default.

Connect with Karen:

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    Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom, so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default.

    Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.
