How to Release the Shadows From Your Past and Embrace the Present Moment

Imagine if you were to release the fear, guilt, shame, and other emotions from your past and focus only on the present moment? In this blogpost, Karen shares a powerful energetic healing process, a commitment to consciously create your present moment and the future you want, along with 6 powerful journal prompts to help you release the lingering shadowy thoughts and emotions from the past and get you started on your healing journey.

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6 Ways to Stop People Pleasing and Start Shining Your Light

Would you describe yourself as a people-pleaser? In this blog I share 13 negative effects of people-pleasing along with 5 powerful journal prompts to help you become more aware of your people pleasing tendencies and what you can do about them. Then comes 6 small steps you can take to transition from the role People-Pleaser to Self-Lover putting your life, happiness, authenticity, and self-love first so that your light will again shine brightly into the world.

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How 3 Simple Words Sabotage Your Manifesting

Did you know there are three little words that you must eliminate from your thoughts, your spoken words, and your writing? When you make a statement containing any of these words, you are giving attention and energy to what you really do not want to happen, thereby sabotaging your manifesting of what you really do want in your experience. In this video blog, I’ll tell you what those words are, why they must be eliminated, and then I’ll share a quick and practical exercise that can help you succeed so you begin manifesting what you want instead of what you don’t!

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Consciously Create Your Own Powerful Motivational Thoughts

What do motivational thoughts do? Motivational thinking helps you to take the right inspired actions to overcome difficulties, get through tough events, and come out better on the other side (and we are not talking about positive thinking, affirmations, or motivating quotes). We each have our own unique motivators and can learn how to consciously focus on them.

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A Garage Sale for Ultimate Stuck Energy Release

Are you holding onto physical items in your home that you don’t use but can’t seem to release?
In this blog and video I share 6 Energetic Benefits of Releasing Items You No Longer Use, 6 Tips for Releasing Stuck Energy, and 6 Tips for Making Smarter Future Purchases.

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Three Powerful Healing Techniques to Release Struggling

Do you find yourself thinking or saying “I’m struggling”? How does it make you feel? Let’s shift that perspective with more powerfully abundant words and then explore three powerful healing techniques to help you release your struggles about current or past situations.

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Five Easy Ways to Soothe Your Monkey Mind for Meditation

Do you battle your Monkey Mind? Do you tell the story that you can’t meditate or can’t shut off your brain even for a moment? Does your brain not know when it’s bedtime? Do you wish you could more easily drop into calmness before a meeting or call? Today I share 5 Quick Techniques and a short video to quiet your Monkey Mind anytime and especially for meditation activities. I hope you enjoy and try them out.

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