No Rules Journaling to Soothe Your Inner Critic

Do you feel resistance when someone touts journaling and its amazing benefits followed quickly by the how tos, and shoulds and other journaling “rules”. Wouldn’t it be great to shift your perspective to focus on how empowering the energetic release is that it brings? Inside are 7 expert ways to break the journaling rules and learn how to use this empowering practice to soothe your inner critic.

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Five Easy Ways to Soothe Your Monkey Mind for Meditation

Do you battle your Monkey Mind? Do you tell the story that you can’t meditate or can’t shut off your brain even for a moment? Does your brain not know when it’s bedtime? Do you wish you could more easily drop into calmness before a meeting or call? Today I share 5 Quick Techniques and a short video to quiet your Monkey Mind anytime and especially for meditation activities. I hope you enjoy and try them out.

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How to Stop Living Your Life on Autopilot

Are you experiencing midlife doing the same routine day after day, never remembering what you did the day before, and having nothing to look forward to? You’re living your life, but rarely enjoying it or anything in it. If this sounds familiar, you are probably living your life, and the relationships in it, on autopilot.

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Embracing Inner Wisdom is an Ultimate Gift (Part 2)

Do you find yourself listening more often to your inner critic or to your inner wisdom? In this blogpost (Part 2) you’ll find 3 more suggestions to quiet and soothe your inner critic, reconnect with inner wisdom, and experience more enjoyment in your life.

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Embracing Inner Wisdom is an Ultimate Gift (Part 1)

Do you find yourself listening more often to your inner critic or to your inner wisdom? In this blogpost you’ll find 3 suggestions to quiet and soothe your inner critic, reconnect with inner wisdom, and experience more enjoyment in your life.

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