Perhaps you become weary or there’s a little piece of resistance you can feel inside when someone brings up journaling and the amazing benefits quickly followed by the how tos, and shoulds, and journaling “rules”.  Perhaps you’re thinking “I can’t write” or “I don’t know what to write about” or the resistance is so strong it brings you to think “I really hate journaling”!  I hope that’s not the case, but I certainly understand your hesitation.  I’ve been there.  I get it.

Maybe you can hear me out for just moment…

Journaling, in whatever form you choose, can be very therapeutic and healing in so many ways.  And yes, you can choose how and what to journal about. You can write for as long or as little as you want as often as you want to.  It doesn’t have to be a seemingly grueling daily process if that doesn’t work for you.  Why not start with just a 3X5 card? You have permission to make the journey your own.

As an Energy Master, I can also tell you with great certainty that journaling, putting pen to paper (or even using your computer) is a very powerful energy release.  Doesn’t that sound really satisfying?

Let’s break some of those perceived journaling rules right now.  Don’t take it from me, here are some other expert opinions on the matter.   These ladies are IAJW Journal Council Experts.

  • Whatever your write is right.  You are always the expert of your own experience.” ~ Lynda Monk
  • Write for yourself first.  Journaling offers you the gift of time you give yourself for self-reflection, self-discovery, and self-care”. ~ Lynda Monk
  • There is no ‘right’ way to journal – whatever works for you is best”. ~ Hannah Braime
  • Choose self-curiosity over self-criticism:  If you notice writing provokes your inner critic, respond with curiosity.  Why?  What does your inner critic want or need?  What can you learn about yourself from this experience?” ~ Hannah Braime
  • Honor yourself and your stories by making time to write; consider it a practice, like yoga or meditation.” ~ Judy Reeves
  • Start where you are.  Be curious. Stay present”. ~ Mary Ann Moore
  • Buy a lovely notebook/journal that you will feel happy to write and sketch in.  Carry it with you everywhere so you can write whenever you have a moment and when inspiration strikes you”. ~ Meryl Cook

There’s an organization just for journaling, you might ask? Why yes, yes there is.  I became a member recently and was thrilled to see all of the amazing resources, writing circles, speakers, and lovely wisdom out there that I never knew existed before.  Discovering this was like a holiday gift for the writing geek in me.  If you love journaling, or are at least interested, check them out at, the International Association for Journal Writing: Enrich Your Life Through Journaling.

There are so many different ways to journal.  I’m guessing you’ve heard of gratitude journaling.  Or writing letters to the Universe or Spirit Guides or Angels or Source. Or writing about the things that are frustrating you. Or writing to forgive yourself and others. There’s free form and structured writing and the cool thing is that you do not have to share your written words with anyone. 

You’ve likely received journaling prompts in the past and, I must ask, did you go the journal page when you saw them, or did you just let the drift by your consciousness?  [Do I hear crickets?]

Hopefully you’ve heard that journaling can positively affect virtually every aspect of your life including your emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of well-being. As you can see, I’m a big proponent and often suggest specific forms of journaling to my clients and friends. 

Journaling has gotten me out of some pretty dark places many times in my life.  It was often my lifeline to clarity, self-awareness, creativity, and regaining a healthier mind and body.  And it’s always a really powerful energetic release for me.  Poof!  The frustration clears and the calm clarity ensues.

Now back to the focused intention of this blog post:  Journaling to Soothe Your Inner Critic.

Today I awoke in the wee hours of the morning after a somewhat disturbing dream that wasn’t real, but I couldn’t seem to shake from my mind.  Knowing I wasn’t going to return to sleep, I arose and found my way downstairs in the stillness of the morning, the birds chirping outside at the feeders, and waves quietly lapping at the shore. I stood at the patio door, saw the sun just peaking over the horizon and a light misty fog over the lake, and took a deep refreshing breath of the cool morning air.  It hit me that this precious quiet time was just right for a bit of journaling instead of turning on the computer that I’d be staring at for the rest of the day. 

A giddy excitement spread through me.  I grabbed my notebook and favorite sunshine yellow pen with “Be Kind” engraved on the side, grabbed a coffee, and set out in my favorite chair and lap pad to clear my thoughts and release some vibes.

I started with, and please excuse my vulnerability, “Dear Universe.  So today I want to explore two things.  First was a dream and second was an overwhelming and illogical fearful feeling and thought process I go through when my husband is about to embark on business travel.”

I proceeded to write about the dream first as though I was writing to a friend.  I described what happened along with my feelings and thoughts in great detail.  Then I explored questions as to why I thought this dream may have popped into my head.  It was like a mishmash of various details from my last two jobs.  Was I feeling guilt or sadness for leaving?  Do I have unresolved feelings with some former co-workers? 

After writing it all down I worked to release it, in writing to the Universe. I ended it with “I release [the two jobs/companies] and all of the times, both good and bad, associated with both.  You belong in my past no more to be pondered. Thank you for what you taught to me. I release you.”

I then wrote out my narrative and all the questions and thoughts that come to mind about my husband’s business travel.  It started like this, “I’m curious.  Why does my mind go to a dark place a day or two before his travels, especially when he’s going overseas?  Why do I have these fears?  I start spiraling on something happening and he’s not coming home.  Irrational I know.” 

I wrote down all of the questions and inner critic whispers that often come up.  In the end, after two full college-ruled pages, I released those fears too.

I continued on.  I know I said there were two things, but the great thing about journaling is that once you open your creative hatches, the words come spewing out.

I started writing directly to my inner critic.  “Little inner critic full of fears, I know this is coming from past experiences of grief and loss and not feeling supported.  I know this comes from bad choices I have made and have learned from.  I know this comes from unresolved feelings and dismissiveness from certain people in my past and often feelings of not being heard.”

Then it gets better.

“Little inner critic, I want you to understand these fears are not our current reality.  I appreciate your attempts to keep me safe.  I hear you.  I now release your hold on my psyche.  It’s time for you to be soothed, hugged, and to come along with me as I show you another way to be.  It’s all okay.  We’ve got this, you and me.  When we work together, we are so much stronger, more confident, heroic, invincible.”

“So little one, I will never leave you. You no longer need to fear and fret.  I got you.  We have you.  Now give me a hug and let’s move forward together.  And so it is.”

After this unplanned journaling date, it was time to put down my pen and celebrate my win.  My attention to my self-care and energy release.  Yay me!  I didn’t just head to the computer this morning. I worked through some things and I hadn’t even planned on it.  What a joyful and empowering experience.  I feel so much lighter now.

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t leave you with some journal prompts to ponder with your little inner critic. 

  1. What is your little inner critic whispering to you most often?  Do you hear things like “I’m not enough/worthy” or “who are you to ____” or other things that do not feel good or fill you with doubt, guilt, shame or fear?  Explore those little whisperings.
  2. Can you remember the first time you had each thought (reach back, It could be triggered from very early childhood event).  Write about this in detail.
  3. Look back at what you have written and ask yourself, is this true for me now?

Let me answer number 3 for you.  No they’re not true.  Any inner critic whisperings you hear are untruths.  If the thoughts you are feeling don’t feel good, then you know that they are being whispered by your inner critic and are designed to keep you safely in your comfort zone.  The inner critic, your inner child, is not interested in your growth and expansion yet it needs to be heard, acknowledged, and redirected.  This little part of you needs to be soothed so you may move forward with her by your side instead of leading your way.

Once you become skilled at this,  you’ll be able to hear the whisperings of your true nature, your inner wisdom, your intuition clearly.  These whisperings are the truth of who you are and they feel really good.

So I implore you to pick up your pen and soothe your dear inner child as often as you can even if it’s just for a few moments.  I wish you the very best on your journey.

About the Author:

As a Midlife Transformation Guide, Master Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Desire Factor™ Coach, Energy Master, and Author, Karen is passionate about supporting women in silencing their inner critic so they can joyfully thrive in the second half of their lives.The time is now to release feeling stuck, stressed and unhappy so you can feel free, empowered, and ready to cocreate a marvelous life. Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! Start by downloading your free eGuide: 3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (so you can hear your inner wisdom) to learn strategies to help you consciously create your life instead of creating by default.

Connect with Karen:

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Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom, so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default.

Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.
