No Rules Journaling to Soothe Your Inner Critic

Do you feel resistance when someone touts journaling and its amazing benefits followed quickly by the how tos, and shoulds and other journaling “rules”. Wouldn’t it be great to shift your perspective to focus on how empowering the energetic release is that it brings? Inside are 7 expert ways to break the journaling rules and learn how to use this empowering practice to soothe your inner critic.

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Three Powerful Healing Techniques to Release Struggling

Do you find yourself thinking or saying “I’m struggling”? How does it make you feel? Let’s shift that perspective with more powerfully abundant words and then explore three powerful healing techniques to help you release your struggles about current or past situations.

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Empowering Language – I Look Forward to

Did you know that most of us speak to ourselves and others with certain words and phrases from a place of lack, limitation, and scarcity instead of abundance, freedom, and gratitude? Read on for ways you can use to flip the script.

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