Silencing the Inner Critic

Sometimes we’re our own worst enemy. One of the biggest challenges many women face is dealing with their inner critic. You know the one … it whispers things like “I’m not good enough” and “what do I know”. It really messes with our self-esteem. Now is the time to learn how to soothe and heal that little voice inside.

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Connecting With Your Heart Through Laughter

Do you remember the last time you experienced one of those knee-slapping, tear-inducing, beautiful-feeling, endorphin-filled belly laughs? Isn’t it fun when it happens for no apparent reason? You might be surprised to learn that laughing is a powerful form of meditation and there are so many other health benefits. Read more and discover a funny Grandma joke.

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How to Stop Living Your Life on Autopilot

Are you experiencing midlife doing the same routine day after day, never remembering what you did the day before, and having nothing to look forward to? You’re living your life, but rarely enjoying it or anything in it. If this sounds familiar, you are probably living your life, and the relationships in it, on autopilot.

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