Masterclass: 6 Ways to Recognize Your Inner Critic is Running the Show (& How to Reclaim Your Power)

Many of us are unknowingly allowing our inner critic (or ego) to take the wheel. It can run our lives for so long, we don’t experience anything different, and the negative inner chatter begins to feel normal. It drains our confidence, our energy, and our joy. But it’s not something you have to live with. The messages shared in this Masterclass video blog will help you to take back your power and soothe that little voice inside.

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Silencing the Inner Critic

Sometimes we’re our own worst enemy. One of the biggest challenges many women face is dealing with their inner critic. You know the one … it whispers things like “I’m not good enough” and “what do I know”. It really messes with our self-esteem. Now is the time to learn how to soothe and heal that little voice inside.

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Quieting the Inner Critic and Tuning Into Your Heart

Are you like me and seem to struggle with the concept of manifesting your desires when you’re deep in the trenches of life? In this collaborative episode of the Grounding Journey Podcast, Cris and Karen are diving deep into the transformative power of the Law of Attraction and the inner critic that often holds us back from manifesting our true desires.

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Divine Synchronicity: Women’s Stories of Magic, Miracles, & Manifesting

My 3rd transformational story was published as part of the anthology titled, Divine Synchronicity: Women’s Stories of Magic, Miracles & Manifesting, published by the inspirational publishing house, Inspired Living Publishing™.

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A Costly Mistake: Ignoring My Inner Wisdom

It was 2008. Markets crashed. The economy plummeted. The company where I’d served struggled to weather the economic storm. I ignored my shouting gut feeling, suppressing the inner wisdom that communicated to me through my emotional body. “Don’t do it,” my gut screamed while my mind rationalized my decision. Those difficult internal arguments between my head and my gut continued until my head accepted my gut’s unconditional surrender, although something definitely didn’t feel right. Along with 3 powerful journal prompts, Karen Shier shares how ignoring her inner wisdom resulted in a very costly mistake and a major life shift.

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6 Ways to Stop People Pleasing and Start Shining Your Light

Would you describe yourself as a people-pleaser? In this blog I share 13 negative effects of people-pleasing along with 5 powerful journal prompts to help you become more aware of your people pleasing tendencies and what you can do about them. Then comes 6 small steps you can take to transition from the role People-Pleaser to Self-Lover putting your life, happiness, authenticity, and self-love first so that your light will again shine brightly into the world.

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Stop Your Inner Critic From Sabotaging Your Manifesting

What if you could soothe your inner critic so you could hear your inner wisdom in order to manifest the life of your dreams? In Season 8 of the Elevate Summit, I had a conversation with Linda Joy, #Inspired Living Secrets, on the topics of law of attraction and how the inner critic can sabotage your attracting and so much more.

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No Rules Journaling to Soothe Your Inner Critic

Do you feel resistance when someone touts journaling and its amazing benefits followed quickly by the how tos, and shoulds and other journaling “rules”. Wouldn’t it be great to shift your perspective to focus on how empowering the energetic release is that it brings? Inside are 7 expert ways to break the journaling rules and learn how to use this empowering practice to soothe your inner critic.

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Three Powerful Healing Techniques to Release Struggling

Do you find yourself thinking or saying “I’m struggling”? How does it make you feel? Let’s shift that perspective with more powerfully abundant words and then explore three powerful healing techniques to help you release your struggles about current or past situations.

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