Consciously Orchestrating a Life-Changing Move

I’m fortunate to have owned several homes; however, purchasing or selling each was always stressful, caused anxiety-inducing what-if thinking, attracted few showings, took many months, and usually resulted in a financial loss. Then something extraordinary happened. Along with 3 powerful journal prompts, Karen shares how consciously focusing and surrendering resulted in her Divine manifestation of something even better than imagined!

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Finding Peace Within the Present

Peace exists in many things and many places – sometimes we just have to remember to look. In this blogpost you’ll find a lovely technique for bringing peace into your life in times of struggle.

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Coming Back to Yourself

When life takes over and gets hard and “lifey” and you lose your sense of self, what do you do? When you’re stuck in overwhelm and life gets all too real, how do you come back to yourself? In this blogpost, I share a journey where I became lost temporarily and how I focused on coming back to me and how you can do it too. You are worthy! You are enough!

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Divine Synchronicity: Women’s Stories of Magic, Miracles, & Manifesting

My 3rd transformational story was published as part of the anthology titled, Divine Synchronicity: Women’s Stories of Magic, Miracles & Manifesting, published by the inspirational publishing house, Inspired Living Publishingâ„¢.

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My Body Kept Score

Looking around me that day on the sandbar, I saw beautiful, tanned bodies enjoying their lovely sunbathing routine. As I sat there holding back tears, I thought that there just had to be more to life. Why was my life always so hard? Why was I constantly feeling that the life had been sucked out of me? In this blog Karen shares her life struggles, her decision to draw a line in the sand, and choices she made to arise from the darkness along with 3 powerful journal prompts.

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How 3 Simple Words Sabotage Your Manifesting

Did you know there are three little words that you must eliminate from your thoughts, your spoken words, and your writing? When you make a statement containing any of these words, you are giving attention and energy to what you really do not want to happen, thereby sabotaging your manifesting of what you really do want in your experience. In this video blog, I’ll tell you what those words are, why they must be eliminated, and then I’ll share a quick and practical exercise that can help you succeed so you begin manifesting what you want instead of what you don’t!

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Consciously Create Your Own Powerful Motivational Thoughts

What do motivational thoughts do? Motivational thinking helps you to take the right inspired actions to overcome difficulties, get through tough events, and come out better on the other side (and we are not talking about positive thinking, affirmations, or motivating quotes). We each have our own unique motivators and can learn how to consciously focus on them.

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How to Clear Your Energies for 2024

Learn why it’s important to set aside some sacred time for you to energetically close your 2023 and clear your energies as you head into 2024!

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How and Why to Celebrate Your 2023 Successes

Learn how and why it’s so important to celebrate your many 2023 successes, both big and small, as you move into 2024.

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