Do you have thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, like guilt or fear or shame, from your past that seem to follow you around like shadows, never quite out of sight nor out of mind? Do these disempowering thoughts and feelings keep you from moving forward or trying new things? Do they keep you from shining your light and living fully into the person you truly are?
Or do you feel guilty or shameful about things that happened in the past . . . back when you were likely a very different person?
Can you imagine what it would be like to finally release the emotions and, what I like to collectively call, the "shadows" from your past? I liken these to shadows because it seems they linger in our psyche and pull us back into dark places, even when we think we’ve forgotten them. In all likelihood, and in my experience, these insidious feelings and emotions are generally stuffed way down deep inside and the lower level energy was never fully expressed and released.
Then POW! They hit us like a ton of bricks months or years later and we wonder where this sudden rush of sadness, tears, or anger came from.
What if you were to learn how to process this energy and release it fully from your body once and for all? Imagine refilling that space with empowering thoughts and emotions going forward.
How would that feel?
How would that change your outlook on life?
What if you focused on consciously creating your present and your future instead of creating your life by default (i.e. letting life just happen to you)?
We know we cannot change the past, can we? But we CAN learn to release the bad-feeling energy and shift our perspectives.
That’s a healthy way to deal with naggings of the past.
Feelings of guilt or sadness, shame, anger, negativity, fears, or any other lower level emotions can (and should) be energetically healed, forgiven, and/or released for your own good health and wellbeing. Allowing yourself to stay stuck in the lower level energetic vibrations can do great harm to you, both physically and mentally, over time. [Ask me how I know.]
What if you were to embrace the empowering place that whatever you did or said or experienced in your past is tucked safely in the past? What if you healed those past traumas and hurt emotions and let them be . . . let them stay in the past?
Could you forgive and fill yourself up with compassion and kindness instead?
Maybe this perspective could help.
All of those things, those experiences, good or bad, made you the amazing person you are today my friend.
Lord knows there are so many things I've experienced or created in my past (either consciously or by default), or allowed other people to talk me into that I wish I would have done differently.
So many times I gave away my power to others and didn’t stand in my truth.
But instead of wishing my life away…
I learned from these things…
I sought out the gifts they brought to my awareness…
I forgave myself and learned to release the energetic cords to those who hurt me…
I became stronger, and…
I learned what not to do so that I won't likely repeat those former mistakes I made then (or maybe “experiences” is a better thought here instead of “mistakes” ).
And after a lot of personal work and wisdom from my own mentors and coaches along the way, I accepted, forgave, cut the energetic cords, and let these past transgressions go.
Let's start with this. I love the powerful process of cutting the energetic cord.
This is how it works. Think of every relationship or situation in your life as you having an energetic line (like a transparent fishing line) connecting you to that person or situation.
When you “cut the cord”, it doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily severing ties to that person or situation (unless you wish to do so). You’re forgiving yourself and/or the other person and severing the “negative” energy to that person or event so that it doesn’t flow from them back to you anymore.
Additionally, you’re not necessarily letting the other person off the hook, but instead you’re letting that lower level energy go with compassion. You do this by imagining the energetic line and physically using your hand to “karate chop” the energetic line between you and the person/situation.
You can use these steps below as part of your own “cut the cord” energetic healing process. (It's most powerful when you state it out loud and with conviction.)
1. “I forgive ____________ for ______________ [example: ignoring me]”.
2. “I release myself and I release you from my energy, from my emotions, and from my mind”. [Cut the cord with your hand].
3. Be still and feel the energy moving out and releasing.
4. When you feel complete, you say, “I am free and you are free”.
Let yourself be free. Let the other person/situation be free. Now you don’t have to fear that person/situation and you can choose how much connection you have with him or her or it from this point forward.
It’s important to note that doing this process one time is likely not enough for healing deep-seeded and emotionally charged issues. You may need to practice this a few or many times until you feel complete. I love this practice because it’s quick and easy to do anytime and anywhere and it’s been very helpful in my own healing journey.
Now here’s a powerful personal commitment to consider.
“Today I commit to letting the past go, and consciously creating the present moment and future that I want, instead of creating by default or by not standing in my truth.”
What say you? Are you with me?
You see, it’s simply a DECISION
to make and the
for letting go are incredible.
So what decisions will you consciously make? Can you let the past go? Would you be open to doing some work to release the lower level energies of yesterday? Can you separate yourself from those shadows?
What will you decide to do, be, or have? What will you let go of to take action on your great ideas and achieve your desires?
Now that you’ve cut a few cords and made a personal commitment, grab your journal and dive into this sacred and empowering energetic process with the following journal prompts. The idea is to focus on what you do want in your life. Write out your answers for as long as it takes and until you feel happy and complete. This is a great additional step to healing your traumas and lower level emotions that may be keeping you stuck from what you really want in life and refocusing on what you do want.
What inspired and exciting download, inspiration or idea have you had most recently that filled you with excitement? Are you still excited about it today?
Did you act on the inspiration or idea and what actions did you take? If you didn’t act on it, why not? What’s stopping you?
When the inspiration came to mind, what empowering thoughts dropped in for you? What excited you about your idea?
What disempowering thoughts or negative self-talk came up for you? When you dig deep, are these not-good-feeling thoughts really true for you (or are they just old beliefs or habits, guilt, shame or fear from past experiences that you now know how to cut the cord to)?
Did you share your inspired idea with another person and what reaction did you receive? Was it helpful and supportive? How did the conversation make you feel? Are there any nuggets of wisdom you can keep? Are there any criticisms that you can let go of?
Now, take each of the disempowering thoughts that came up, cancel them (cross them out), and shift them into powerful thoughts that will help you to take inspired actions on your idea. If you have trouble with this, when you think of shifting, think of what is it you want instead? What’s the opposite of the disempowering thought?
I hope you found the processes shared therapeutic and healing for you. I know it’s just the beginning and one set of cord-cutting and powerful journaling prompts won’t cure it all, but it’s a darned good start to releasing those feelings, emotions, and haunting shadows from your past.
You now have three new tools to play with. And if you need more support, I’m here when you are ready.
I wish you a lovely and empowered day, my friend!