Are you holding onto physical items in your home that you don’t use but can’t seem to release?  Do you ever think about why you are so attached?  Why can’t you let them go? When you see them, do you feel a constriction in your gut?  Maybe it’s time for a garage sale to release that stuck energy!

Did you know that when you hold onto stuff you don’t use it’s mucking up your energy?  Storing things we haven’t used and likely won’t ever use needs some attention.  You need to clear this energy.  It’s stuck energy and needs to go! 

Stuck energy manifests itself in the body in many ways and can bring unpleasantness in our bodies (excess weight, pain, or other serious health concerns) our homes, and our relationships.

Keep reading to find out 6 Energetic Benefits of Releasing Items You No Longer Use, 6 Tips for Releasing Stuck Energy, and 6 Tips for Making Smarter Future Purchases!

6 Energetic Benefits of Releasing Items You No Longer Use: 

  1. You are releasing stuck energy and allowing room and space for more abundance to flow into your body, your home, and your relationships.
  2. You’ll feel so much lighter and happier – your energy will vibrate at a higher frequency.
  3. Home energy will be stagnant no longer.
  4. You’re giving new life to items by releasing them to new owners who can use them.
  5. Anything you are holding from loved ones passed – would they want you to feel stuck in the energy?  Could you keep one or two items and let the rest go?
  6. If you’re storing stuff in a storage unit, you’re definitely going to save hundreds per month you could put to better use – perhaps save that money for retirement, take a nice vacation, invest in self-care activities, or use it to pay off debt (which might be another source of stuck energy for you).

6 Tips for Releasing Stuck Energy  

  1. Walk into each room and see how your body responds. Do you love the space or do you feel constricted or overwhelmed?  Are there any items you wish were not within your sight line?  Does the space feel crowded to you?  If so, then you need reorganize what you have or release some tangible things and the stuck energy too.
  2. When is the last time you used this item?  If it’s been over a year and it’s not a holiday decoration you use, let it go.  Gratefully allow it to go to a new home and to someone who may have a real need for it.  Give it new life (which it doesn’t have if stuck in a plastic tote).
  3. Dive deep on why you are holding onto the item. Is it because of the item itself, the feelings it brings, or memory it holds?  Are you holding onto items left by a loved one who has passed or because you feel you spent a lot of money on it?  Can you process the energy and come to peace with those feelings?
  4. Celebrate and love the body you have!  Our bodies change and that’s okay!  Wear and keep only the clothes that fit you today.  It’s unlikely that what you wore in your twenties or thirties fit you the same way now.  Gather up and get rid of the fat clothes, the skinny clothes, the dress you might need “someday”, and those tops that make you feel frumpy.  Make peace with the money you spent on them previously and get rid of any guilt attached to that.  Have compassion for decisions you made in the past because it’s simply where you were at that time.  Wear only the clothes that make you feel fabulous!
  5. Surprise!  Your kids probably don't want the old stuff!  I know that there are certain things that you may feel compelled to pass down or hold for them, but why not ask them the question instead of holding onto the "stuff" for years thinking they might want it?  They're going to be starting their own family traditions with new things...just like you did.  Perhaps they aren't as excited about your stuff as you are.
  6. When releasing any items, I find it helpful to think or say this energetic mantra out loud, “thank you for the happiness you brought me and I am releasing you now to a new home.”  Donate them to a charity or worthy cause that’s close to your heart.  Perhaps this will bring you peace and a feel-good moment too.  Celebrate the good you’re doing for others!

6 Tips for Making Smarter Future Purchases! 

  1. Sleep on it.  If you find something you want to buy, wait 3 days.  If the urge is still strong after 3 days, then go get it and be grateful for it.  If not, the energy will fizzle out and you’ll save lots of money, storage space, and stuck energy by not buying it.  Then celebrate the win of the great decision you made not to buy it because you won’t be mucking up your energy!
  2. Ask yourself, do I really need this item?  Is it something you absolutely can’t live without or is there something you already have that will feel the perceived need you have in the moment?
  3. Will this end up in my garage sale or a donation box a year from now (and how will I feel if that happens)? 
  4. Am I feeling a tightening or constriction in my body when I look at or hold this item?  If the answer is “yes” then your intuition is communicating to you that your inner critic is a work trying to convince you of the “need”.
  5. Am I trying to convince myself this item of clothing looks good on me by thinking or saying it’ll look good when I lose/gain a few pounds – if so, put it back on the shelf.  Realize this is your inner critic talking and trying to keep you stuck.  Don’t buy the item as you’ll feel stagnated by it in your closet, it’ll take up room, your energy will drop, and you’ll likely feel guilty for spending money on it in the first place making it more difficult to part with later.
  6. Celebrate the wins of the great decisions you make when you consciously choose not to buy things you do not need because you won’t be mucking up your energy in the future!  Give yourself a pat on the back and perhaps start a positive "tip" jar for money not spent in the moment.

I’d love to share my video for my recent energetic (and physical) garage sale.  I’m still bouncing on air weeks later after my own energetic release.  My home feels so much lighter when you walk in each room.  My home, garage and basement are organized and clutter-free and I’m a happy camper too! 

Watch my 17.5 minute Video here which talks about my personal stuck energy release and some of these benefits and steps in more detail. 

I hope these tips inspire you to action – even if you only have a few items to give a new home.

Plan your own Garage Sale for Ultimate Energy Release in whatever form speaks to you!  You’ll be glad you did!

About the Author:

As a Midlife Transformation Guide, Master Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Desire Factor™ Coach, Energy Master, and Author, Karen is passionate about supporting women in silencing their inner critic so they can joyfully thrive in the second half of their lives.The time is now to release feeling stuck, stressed and unhappy so you can feel free, empowered, and ready to cocreate a marvelous life. Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! Start by downloading your free eGuide: 3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (so you can hear your inner wisdom) to learn strategies to help you consciously create your life instead of creating by default.

Connect with Karen:

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    Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom, so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default.

    Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.
