Sometimes we’re our own worst enemy…
One of the biggest challenges many women face, is dealing with their inner critic.
It's that little gremlin saying, “You’re not good enough,” or “You can’t do this.”
And yeah, it messes with our self-esteem big time!
Recently I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Boss Body Podcast with host Sarah Haas, Women's Weight Release & Body Love Coach, where I shared how to:
- Uncover the sources of our inner critic - like past experiences, societal pressures, and childhood beliefs
- Distinguish between negative self-talk and our INNER KNOWING
- Trust our intuitive guidance
- Process past wounds
- Step into joy
Here’s a bit of my wisdom you’ll hear in the podcast:
"If it's a thought that comes to you that feels really good and it fills you with excitement, that's coming from your intuition, that's coming from your inner wisdom.
So when we learn to distinguish between those two and start following our inner wisdom, we're going to get out of that stuckness because we won't be mired in the things that we don't want to do or we don't want to think.
We start to learn to quiet that chatter and follow our inner wisdom, and that's what's going to lead us to joy and happiness and other things that we want to do."
~ Karen Shier ~
Listen to the episode here
Or watch on YouTube here
Or you can download the Boss Body Podcast on your favorite podcast platform (links below).
You can learn more about my dear friend, Sarah, and her work at, on Facebook Sarah Haas Wellness, Instagram @sarahhaaswellness, or on YouTube Sarah Haas Wellness.
And be sure to grab her free Rev Up Your Metabolism e-Guide here:
I hope you enjoy the conversation!