Did you know there are three little words that you must eliminate from your thoughts, your spoken words, and your writing?
When you make a statement containing any of these words, you are giving attention and energy to what you really do not want to happen, thereby sabotaging your manifesting of what you really do want in your experience.
In this video blog, I’ll tell you what those words are, why they must be eliminated, and then I’ll share a quick and practical exercise that can help you succeed so you begin manifesting what you want instead of what you don’t!
Here’s something you may or may not know.
The Law of Attraction responds to the energetic vibration you are sending out now and in this very moment. It gives you more of the same as what you are vibrating out in the now.
Based on this knowing, doesn’t it make sense that you want to be sending out high vibes all the time?
As Author Michael Losier says, “The Law of Attraction doesn’t remember what vibration you were sending out five minutes ago, five days ago, five months ago, or 50 years ago. It’s only responding to the vibration you are sending out right now…”.
In this very moment, you can tell what kind of energetic vibration you are sending out, whether it’s a more negative or lower level vibration or a more positive or higher level vibration, based on the way you feel right now.
You can flip the switch on what you are transmitting via your energetic vibration from a lower level to a higher level by becoming aware of your thoughts then simply choosing different words and different thoughts in this now moment.
You can only send out one energetic vibration at a time so when your thoughts and words change, your energetic vibration also changes.
It’s a simple concept AND it takes some practice.
In my (12.3 minute) video I go a little deeper on this topic and you can watch it here.

There are three common words that I’ve found in my learning journey that will sabotage the manifesting of what you do want in your life. I suggest becoming very aware of the thoughts you think and the words you speak, especially these three words I’m writing about, and work to shift your language right away.
REMOVE their use from your thoughts and your mouth!
It’s not really the actual words that are damaging. Instead it’s the feelings and emotions we derive when we see, speak, write, think about, or type out these words. They have the effect of lowering our energetic vibration automatically. That’s why you’ll find yourself attracting the things to you that you do not want, regardless of your intention.
Your brain doesn’t HEAR these three words and as I imagine it, the brain skips right over these words in your thoughts or spoken sentences and then brings you exactly what you are not wanting instead of what you do. Your conscious and unconscious mind is wired to automatically filter out these words.
So what do you do when your brain is working against you? You consciously become aware of your thought and speech patterns and change your words and phrases to shift to higher level vibrations.
Eliminate the words DON’T, NOT, and NO from your vocabulary! These three little words are causing you to attract, create and manifest what you do not want.
When you make a statement containing any of these words, you are giving attention and energy to what you really do not want to happen.
Here’s an example for you.
Don’t think of a blue bunny!
Where did your mind go? You thought of a blue bunny, right? Your mind internalized the exact thing you were told not to do, didn’t it? Your brain filtered out the “not” part of my instruction.
Let’s take it another step further. Many of us have become experts with online shopping. When we “Google” something or decide to order our favorite skin care cream from Amazon or our favorite retailer, we don’t start our search with all of the things we don’t want to purchase.
We instead search for that item based on what we are looking for and very specifically. We usually want a certain brand, size, features and the like. We don’t search for shampoo and just hope that Amazon returns the skin care option we are looking for, right?
Similarly, if you were to do an Internet search on “no blue bunnies”, what is going to appear?
You guessed it. Likely the search will return dozens of blue bunnies and variations of blue bunny products. Google’s “brain” skips right over the “no” in the search parameters, much like our mind does with the words “don’t”, “not”, and “no”.
How do you flip the script and turn your lower level vibrations into higher level vibrations? How do you turn negative thoughts into positive ones? And how do you stop using the words “don’t”, “not”, and “no”?
You do this by focusing on what you do want instead.
You ask yourself this simple question anytime you hear these three little words come up in your thoughts or conversations. “What do I want instead?”
- “Don’t panic” becomes “keep or stay calm”.
- “Don’t forget your keys” becomes “remember to grab your keys on your way out”.
- “Don’t slam the car door” becomes “please close the car door gently”.
- “Don’t run by the pool” becomes “walk safely around the pool”.
- “No juice on the carpet” becomes “please drink your juice at the table”.
When you read the examples above, do you feel a constriction or resistance or any negativity with the “don’t” statements?
Can you also feel the energetic difference and lightness when the "don't" statements shift to become focused on what is desired instead?
We might think we are asking for what we want using the “don’t”, “no”, and “not” statements, but actually we are asking for the opposite. What we really want to manifest is what the script becomes after we shift our words.
A Helpful Practice to Eliminate Don’t, Not, and No From Your Vocabulary
- For the next week, I invite you to notice each time you are thinking, hearing or saying “don’t”, “not”, or “no”. Congratulate yourself for your awareness.
- Take a pause, and ask yourself the question “what do I want instead?” or simply “what do I want?”.
- Your answer to this question will form a new sentence with a higher energetic vibration.
- Write down this new sentence to put powerful energy behind it and start to repattern your thinking. I suggest keeping a 3x5 notecard with you for the week.
- Review and repeat out loud your new higher energy statements each day to keep your focus on what you do want and reinforce those into your memory.
With this simple practice you’ll begin to reduce the number of times you hear yourself say these words and eventually you’ll eliminate them from your vocabulary. Your conscious and unconscious focus will then be on what you want to manifest instead of what you don’t. These three little innocuous words will no longer sabotage your manifesting.
Remember, your higher level energetic vibrations will be felt by those around you too! That’s how energy works.
Enjoy the practice, my friend.
Karen 🦋
It’s so interesting how changing the way you say things can have a different impact, especially as it pertains to manifestation. Over the past few years I have consciously worked on the words I choose when speaking. They must have a positive undertone because the energy of them makes me feel good.
Karen, what a beautiful and important post. This is such an important understanding and you explain it with such simplicity. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your kind words Efrat! It’s such an important topic and practice and I love to share these empowering practices I’ve learned that may also help transform other lives.