I’m fortunate to have owned several homes; however, purchasing or selling each was always stressful, caused anxiety-inducing what-if thinking, attracted few showings, took many months, and usually resulted in a financial loss. I was stuck in my money stories, and it seemed I always sold in a down market, often losing money on the home improvements I made, resulting in more of the same lack feelings and expectations.

I grudgingly felt that whether I was the buyer or seller, the realtor never worked in my best interest. I’d allow myself to get mired in the what-ifs of the deal. What if the deal fell through?  What if the interest rate was too high?  What if there were hidden dangers that the home inspector couldn’t see?  What if I lost my job and couldn’t afford the payment?  What if a tree fell on the place after I moved in?  These were the inner critic whisperings I’d wrestle with in my first few decades as a homeowner.

Then something extraordinary happened. I found an amazing life partner, and we planned to marry and sell our homes in different cities. In 2015, we found and purchased our joint home.

My husband and I believed we were purchasing our forever home, a tired fifty-something-year-old ranch-style home that needed some tender loving care and lots of cash to bring it up to code and to what we envisioned it to be for us as our first home together as a married couple. It was on top of a hill on a beautiful private lake surrounded by trees and nature, peaceful and quiet.

We discovered that quiet summer mornings brought us a lake surface like glass and the occasional call of a pair of loons. We also had the best sunset views on the lake, which overlooked a dam and was unobstructed by other homes around us. In autumn, our home was suspended like a tree house and immersed in the beauty of fall colors casting brilliant reflections on the lake. In the winter, the snow blanketed our abode in loveliness and solitude. We didn’t realize it then, but we had unconsciously created and manifested this lovely home.

We were both experienced in purchasing fixer-uppers and could see past all of the work that needed to be done. After a moment of pinching ourselves at finally getting through the negotiating and months of anxiously waiting for the sellers to let it go to closing and the stresses of fixing and selling our two other pre-marital homes, we got right to work on moving in.

When we acquired this lovely place on a lake, my husband was often traveling internationally and not home very much. I was working at a company about fifteen minutes away. It made sense to purchase this home closer to my work since I’d commute daily, and he was often away.

We enjoyed this home for eight years when life happened again. On a Saturday ride to the Lake Michigan lakeshore, we made a “just-like-that” decision to adapt again. We decided to move my husband closer to work to cut down his hours’ long daily commute, alleviate his constant exhaustion, and get a little more of his life back. I could work from anywhere since I had retired from my corporate job and was now working from home.

This move was going to be different, though. It would not be filled with worry, doubt, mistrust, and what-ifs that had been part of my experience. We consciously created what it would look like. We agreed to be very clear on our intentions about where we wanted to be and to trust and surrender to what may come our way, not limiting our possibilities by insisting it look or happen a certain way.

I started with the inner work to overcome my fears from the past. I journaled daily to the Universe, to God, the Angels, and Spirit Guides—what I call my Divine Support Team. I let my team know how I wanted the sale of our home and purchase of our new home to flow with ease and grace. I surrendered to them to allow our move to happen at just the right timing.

My husband and I took inspired actions as we engaged in the co-creation of our new direction. Simply put, we worked to prepare our home for the market.

For twelve straight days, we power-washed and painted the house and decks. We completed outdoor projects we had been meaning to do. We selected and met with our new realtor and shared our intentions with him. We rejected his preconceived notion that our house would be hard to sell to a family because of the layout. And we had purchased it, hadn’t we?   We held space that other couples would also be interested.

We engaged a professional stager who gave us a list of what seemed like 101 things to do to ready our home for listing. We adopted her excellent suggestions to showcase our home in the best light to would-be buyers. We packed, painted, sorted, and toothbrush-cleaned the entire house. We were ready.

It all happened so quickly. Pictures were taken on Monday. We listed the home on Tuesday and had three showings the first day it was on the market. On Wednesday, we had six showings. Thursday, more people came through.

We received three full-price-plus offers on Thursday evening, a dream come true and a unique, joyful experience for both of us. The Universe returned to us a lovely and aligned buyer couple who promised no drama and everything to flow easily and gracefully.

On Friday afternoon, we excitedly headed to our new city and joyfully placed a deposit on a new home in a condo community ten minutes from my husband’s workplace. The homes were going like hotcakes, and we secured one of the two remaining available homes just in the nick of time. We happily learned it was scheduled to be ready for us to move into at just the right time. Yay, no renting or finding storage units in between!  Thank you, Universe!

It just so happened that this home was sided in one of two colors we love, and the interior colors that were already planned matched our current furniture and décor perfectly. It was a lovely surprise since we could not pick out those spec home items personally. Thank you again, Universe!

On Saturday, the inspections on our lake home passed with flying colors, and we learned that our buyers intended to proceed with the purchase. A month later, both of our closings happened in the same week.

Looking back, it all seems so surreal. From what we thought was our dream lake home to a weekend moving decision and a brand-new home adventure on the horizon in just six weeks.

We adapted, set our intentions, surrendered, and trusted that all would flow smoothly with ease and grace. And it did!

We went into this with crystal clear intentions and treated it like a Law of Attraction experiment. We put what I’ve learned to work. We visualized. I journaled daily, talked to my Divine Support Team, and asked that our move happen in just the right timing. We focused on what we wanted instead of what we didn’t.

When I heard a whisper from my inner critic of what might go wrong, I immediately soothed her, consciously shifting my thoughts. Lower-level thoughts weren’t welcomed into my energy field. I didn’t allow myself to engage with the worry mind as I would have done in the past.

We didn’t limit the outcomes. We intended, trusted, and surrendered. We consciously co-created what we wanted to happen. Our Divine Support Team brought us something even better than we imagined.

Today, we are grateful to be in our new home. My husband has gotten more of his life back, and I am grateful to have witnessed his joy. We are enjoying this new adventure closer to Lake Michigan. I’m unsure if this is our new forever home, but we are excited and open to the next Divine chapter of synchronicity.

Journal Prompts:

  • Can you recall a time in your life when you consciously decided to approach things differently than you would have in the past?  How did that work out for you?
  • Can you recall a time that you allowed yourself to trust and surrender to feelings of a situation working out just right instead of pushing against or trying to control the situation?  How did it feel?
  • Have you ever talked with your inner critic when she is bringing up fears and untruths to your awareness?

Copyright © 2024.  First published in “Divine Synchronicities:  Women’s Stories of Magic, Miracles, and Manifesting”, Inspired Living Publishing, LLC, https://karenshiercoaching.com/books/

About the Author:

As a Midlife Transformation Guide, Master Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Desire Factor™ Coach, Energy Master, and Author, Karen is passionate about supporting women in silencing their inner critic so they can joyfully thrive in the second half of their lives.The time is now to release feeling stuck, stressed and unhappy so you can feel free, empowered, and ready to cocreate a marvelous life. Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! Start by downloading your free eGuide: 3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (so you can hear your inner wisdom) to learn strategies to help you consciously create your life instead of creating by default.

Connect with Karen:

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Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom, so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default.

Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.
