What do motivational thoughts do? They help you take action.
This blog isn't about positive thinking or motivating quotes or affirmations. Those have their place in shaping your attitude and thinking. Instead, what motivates each of us is unique, so you need to have your own thoughts - those which are most effective at getting you going...and forward momentum.
Motivational thinking helps you to take the RIGHT inspired actions to overcome difficulties, get through tough events, and come out better on the other side.
This quote, "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity" by Albert Einstein seems very congruent with this topic today.
So let’s get into creating our own motivations through the teachings in the 14 minute video blog I created just for you.
This video coaching class offers several tips and practices for your resilience toolbox along with two thought-provoking journal prompts that you can start using right away!
You can see it on my YouTube channel using this link.

Making motivation thoughts your own means consciously experimenting with a good thought until you find a way to use it in your own recipe for motivation.
Learn more about your motivations and become conscious of them. Focusing on motivations and what you want to happen, how you want things to go, will send out positive energetic vibrations and keep you more optimistic when difficulty arises.
In this video, we'll explore several tips in more detail and I will walk you through some easy exercises that you can practice to keep this top of mind.
I invite you to view this video and perhaps take a few notes. Then come back to these journal prompts below to integrate the information you have learned. These will help you to go a little deeper in your self-motivational focus.
Journaling Prompts:
- Take a bit of time to think about what motivates you. Write down these thoughts so that when you’re faced with another difficult task or situation and things look bleak, you can come back to the list and find a bit of motivation to get you though it with a bit more ease and grace.
- Think back on a difficult situation you were faced with and overcame. Write a letter of gratitude to yourself acknowledging your strengths and accomplishments and ways of being that made a difference as you traversed the challenge. How did you feel once you overcame the situation?
My friend, you have it inside of you to overcome difficulties with ease, grace, and flow. If you can, shift your perspective to understand that all obstacles are intended to help us grow. They are put in our path to expand us and make us stronger. Perhaps remembering this when faced with the next challenge or bushwhack will be helpful to you in that moment and make things seem a bit less daunting.
I invite you to comment below and feel free to share this video with the women in your life.
I am honored and grateful for your presence here today. Thank you for being in my community circle.
Have a lovely day, my friend.
Karen 🦋