December 6, 2022

Do you find yourself listening more often to your inner critic or to your inner wisdom? In this blogpost you’ll find 3 suggestions to quiet and soothe your inner critic, reconnect with inner wisdom, and experience more enjoyment in your life.

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Embracing Inner Wisdom is an Ultimate Gift (Part 1)

November 24, 2022

Whenever you feel the stress creeping in, take a few minutes to practice some self-love. Read about two quick techniques you can use anytime of the day.

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Just Breathe and Give Thanks

November 1, 2022

Has your self-care been put on the back burner? As we move toward the busy-ness of the holiday season, we look forward to so many great experiences and feelings. We can also experience some not-so-fun stressors. What if you moved your self-care to the front burner now? How much better would the holidays feel for you and those around you?

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Self-Love for The Holidays

October 4, 2022

Did you know that most of us speak to ourselves and others with certain words and phrases from a place of lack, limitation, and scarcity instead of abundance, freedom, and gratitude? Read on for ways you can use to flip the script.

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Empowering Language – I Look Forward to