Hello beautiful soul,

I’m so grateful and I wanted to share this with you. 🥹

My beautiful friend, Sarah Haas, invited me into her community to lead a Masterclass titled: “6 Ways to Recognize Your Inner Critic is Running the Show (and How to Reclaim Your Power)”.

🌸 We shared some great insights, journaling prompts, and techniques for quieting down that little inner critic voice inside…

🌸 Befriending her…

🌸 Loving her…

🌸 And understanding that she’s just trying to keep you safe (but ultimately keeps you comfortably stuck and unable to connect easily with your inner wisdom…your intuition…your higher self).

We ended our class with a POWERFUL VISUALIZATION PROCESS for healing a hurt part of your inner child who is just trying to get your attention.  It’s one you can use anytime, anywhere to heal past hurts.

You can find the 60 minute Masterclass Video Replay here.

🤷‍♀️ Why is this so important to learn?

Many of us are unknowingly allowing our inner critic (or ego) to take the wheel.  It can run our lives for so long, we don’t experience anything different, and the negative inner chatter begins to feel normal. 🥺

It drains our confidence, our energy, and our joy.

But it’s not something you have to live with.

The messages shared and tips taught in this Masterclass will help you to take back your power and soothe that little voice inside.

I hope that you’ll carve out some time to watch our 1 hour conversation and please connect with Sarah Haas.  She’s a Women’s Weight Release & Body Love Coach, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, yoga instructor, and host of the Boss Body Podcast.

Sarah really knows her stuff.  All of her contact information is inside the YouTube video description.

Take back your power today my friend!

Karen 🦋

P.S.  If you’d like to discover even more symptoms of your inner critic’s whisperings and how to combat them, you’re invited to check out my “How to Lovingly Calm Your Inner Critic’s Chatter Online Coursehere

About the Author:

As a Midlife Transformation Guide, Master Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Desire Factor™ Coach, Energy Master, and Author, Karen is passionate about supporting women in silencing their inner critic so they can joyfully thrive in the second half of their lives.The time is now to release feeling stuck, stressed and unhappy so you can feel free, empowered, and ready to cocreate a marvelous life. Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! Start by downloading your free eGuide: 3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (so you can hear your inner wisdom) to learn strategies to help you consciously create your life instead of creating by default.

Connect with Karen:

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Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom, so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default.

Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.
