We celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th.  

And I realized, probably a little sheepishly, I don’t know a lot about the history of this important day, so I did a little bit of “googling”.  I came across this article I thought I’d share just in case you want to learn a bit more too.

I didn’t realize that this day has been observed since the early 1900’s – wow!  I’m always learning new things!

I especially love the 6-minute video at the beginning of the article which I found really interesting, entertaining, and a quick summary of key historical events.

📖 Here’s the article link.

In celebration of all women and what we’ve collectively endured and overcome, I love these 4 inspiring quotes:

“There is no gate, no lock, no bolts, that can set upon the freedom of my mind”  ~ Virginia Woolf ~

“Do not live someone else’s life and someone else’s idea of what womanhood is.  Womanhood is you.”    ~ Viola Davis ~

“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another.  We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.”  ~ Serena Williams ~

“I am thankful for my struggle because, without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.”          ~ Alex Elle ~

Which one speaks loudest to you?

Here are 6 uplifting journaling prompts for you to ponder and perhaps connect with this auspicious day of recognition:

1.  What does womanhood mean to you?

2.  What are 3 stereotypes of womanhood that you resist and why?

3.  Who is a woman, living or passed, who has inspired you in your life and how? 

4.  What are 3 things you love most about being the amazing woman that you are today?

5.  If you could create a dinner party with 3 of your favorite women, who would be invited and why? 

6.  How will you honor yourself on International Women’s Day?

So after all this I say, let’s make every single day an intentional and joy-filled International Women’s Day!  Who’s with me?

With much love and gratitude,

Karen 🦋

About the Author:

As a Midlife Transformation Guide, Master Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Desire Factor™ Coach, Energy Master, and Author, Karen is passionate about supporting women in silencing their inner critic so they can joyfully thrive in the second half of their lives.The time is now to release feeling stuck, stressed and unhappy so you can feel free, empowered, and ready to cocreate a marvelous life. Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! Start by downloading your free eGuide: 3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (so you can hear your inner wisdom) to learn strategies to help you consciously create your life instead of creating by default.

Connect with Karen:

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Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom, so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default.

Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.
