We celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th.
And I realized, probably a little sheepishly, I don’t know a lot about the history of this important day, so I did a little bit of “googling”. I came across this article I thought I’d share just in case you want to learn a bit more too.
I didn’t realize that this day has been observed since the early 1900’s – wow! I’m always learning new things!
I especially love the 6-minute video at the beginning of the article which I found really interesting, entertaining, and a quick summary of key historical events.
Here’s the article link.
In celebration of all women and what we’ve collectively endured and overcome, I love these 4 inspiring quotes:
“There is no gate, no lock, no bolts, that can set upon the freedom of my mind” ~ Virginia Woolf ~
“Do not live someone else’s life and someone else’s idea of what womanhood is. Womanhood is you.” ~ Viola Davis ~
“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” ~ Serena Williams ~
“I am thankful for my struggle because, without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.” ~ Alex Elle ~
Which one speaks loudest to you?
Here are 6 uplifting journaling prompts for you to ponder and perhaps connect with this auspicious day of recognition:
1. What does womanhood mean to you?
2. What are 3 stereotypes of womanhood that you resist and why?
3. Who is a woman, living or passed, who has inspired you in your life and how?
4. What are 3 things you love most about being the amazing woman that you are today?
5. If you could create a dinner party with 3 of your favorite women, who would be invited and why?
6. How will you honor yourself on International Women’s Day?
So after all this I say, let’s make every single day an intentional and joy-filled International Women’s Day! Who’s with me?
With much love and gratitude,