Hello Beautiful Soul.
On this page I have listed personal recommendations for great books I’ve read (often more than once and those I couldn’t put down) helpful or fun products I use or have used, and programs/workshops I have really enjoyed and gained wisdom and knowledge from on my own healing journey.
As a proponent of feminine collaboration and serving, I believe in sharing these insights with you so that you may go deeper in your self-healing journey if you wish. Please know that I’ll never recommend something to you that I didn’t fully enjoy or derive a wonderful benefit from. Some do come with affiliate links which you can read more about in my Affiliate/Disclaimer policy here.
Books & Magazines
Complimentary Digital Subscription to Aspire Magazine
Created by my friend and mentor, Intentional Living Guide™ and Mindset Elevation Coach, Linda Joy, Aspire is celebrating over 18 years of bringing women around the world the best in inspiring, supportive, and empowering content from today’s leading female luminaries, bestselling authors, and up-and-coming movers and shakers in personal and spiritual development. I’m honored that my own blogs and articles have been featured in this uplifting publication created just for women!
Divine Synchronicity: Women’s Stories of Magic, Miracles & Manifesting
When you look back on your life can you see all the magical pivotal moments where everything aligned, and you were led to the next divinely inspired step? Maybe your journey unfolded as you followed a series of signs that kept showing you that you were on the right path. Or maybe, you received a sudden divine download that gave you the vision for your next step or provided the missing details on something you were struggling with?
In Divine Synchronicity: Women’s Stories of Magic, Miracles & Manifesting you'll discover the soul stories of women who experienced the magic and mystery that unfolded when they noticed the signs and paid attention to the synchronicities present on their journey. These stories will become a sacred collection that speaks to our and the Divine’s endless capacity for everyday miracles.
Reclaiming Your Midlife Mojo: Women’s Stories of Self-Discovery & Transformation
A collection of 23 transformational stories, including my 1st published story, that will uplift, transform, and perhaps mirror back anything you might be going through. You’ll find you’re not alone in your struggle and you too can reclaim your midlife mojo.
Life Shifts: Women’s Stories of Surrendering to and Rising Above Life’s Challenges
I’m so honored that mine is the lead story of Chapter 1 in this collection of 23 transformational short stories written by women for women. Between the covers you’ll find stories of hope, inspiration, transformation, and overcoming. If you’re looking to explore your own life shift, this book is for you!
The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Nature
Your dreams and desires serve a high spiritual purpose and this book is a clear and helpful guide to learn the seven steps of creating, expanding, and manifesting what you desire in your life. As one of only 50 certified Desire Factor coaches globally, I am honored to be a certified Desire Factor coach trained by Christy Whitman as a catalyst to get this information out into the world.
Worthy: How to Believe You are Enough and Transform Your Life
OMG! The title says it all and you won’t be disappointed with this book. I truly feel that every woman and teenage girl should read and study the wonderful words between the covers of Jamie Kern Lima’s book. It’s a transformational page-turner that you’ll read over and over again. I have highlighted something on almost every single page of my copy and had so many “aha” moments. I’ve also given many away as gifts. I imagine you will too.
Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body’s Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality
Anyone who knows me knows that I’m infatuated with Donna Eden and Energy Medicine (in a good way 🙂)! It’s oh so good for you! I routinely engage in Donna’s Daily Energy Routine which you’ll learn about in the book. And I’m so blessed to have met Donna, David, Titanya, and Dondi in person and learned more about the Eden Method at Energy Fest a few years back. My only regret is not having discovered Energy Medicine decades ago.
Quantum Success: 7 Essential Laws for a Thriving, Joyful, and Prosperous Relationship with Work and Money
Whether your vision of an ideal career is starting your own business, rising to a different position within your current company, or landing your first job, this book will help you make prosperity and fulfillment of your dreams a reality. It’s a very powerful book I read several times as I traversed the transition from corporate life to creating and running my own business.
Collecting Confidence: Start Where You Are to Become the Person You Were Meant to Be
Have you ever met Kim Gravel? She’s an entrepreneur, podcaster, TV personality, coach, and host of several hit shows on QVC. I have watched Kim and witnessed her growth and expansion for years now. I love her bold, warm, friendly, funny personality and simply loved her first book on collecting confidence – something we all can use, right?
Living With Joy: Keys to Personal Power & Spiritual Transformation
What I love about this book is that each chapter topic comes with a playsheet - powerful processes or techniques to help you implement each chapter’s teachings. Each chapter also reveals a daily joy practice and several affirmations. The quotes and wisdom throughout this book are so inspirational and moving too. What I like is that you can consume this book in bits or chunks and go back to a particular chapter you wish to dive deeper on at any time. I wore out a highlighter or two on this one!
Ask and it is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
During my QSCA Certification studies I was introduced to the teachings of Abraham through “Ask and It Is Given”. It does a deep dive into Law of Attraction principles, what to do with the array of emotions and feelings we have as humans, and leaves you with 22 practical processes to teach you how to manifest your desires. This is one that each time you read it more lightbulbs of understanding will turn on inside of you.
Ask Your Guides: Calling In Your Divine Support System for Help with Everything in Life
Welcome to the world of Spirit. This book lovingly introduces you to all of the members that make up what I like to call your “Divine Support Team”. You’ll learn how to be open to connection with your Angels and Spirit Guides, how to relate to them, and how to live a life guided by spirit.
Trust Your Vibes: Live an Extraordinary Life by Using Your Intuitive Intelligence
Have you ever wanted to learn and connect more with your intuition? In this book, Sonia 34 intuitive practices in bite-sized chunks to help you to live more intuitively and why that’s the best way to live. Love this book!
You Can Heal Your Life
Louise Hay was an inspirational teacher and guide. This book has become “widely accepted as an authoritative work on the mental patterns that create dis-eases in the body”. It’s filled with wisdom and exercises you can try alone or with a friend and chapter 15 includes a list of dis-eases (i.e. problems), the probable cause of those problems, and a healing affirmation to change and create new thought patterns. This is one you’ll read time and again.
The Artist’s Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self
Oh what more can I say than I love this book. It’s another go-to for me. Julia teaches many healing processes in this book, and the one I love and go to frequently myself and with my clients is her “Morning Pages” routine. Whether you are an artist or not, and whether you think you’re creative or not, you need to read this book to get back in touch with your creative side.
Ultimate Confidence: The Secrets to Feeling Great About Yourself Every Day
Marisa outlines her 10-step program to help you feel happier and more confident with who you are. It also comes with a downloadable hypnosis session with Marisa. This is one of several of Marisa’s books I have enjoyed.
Girl on Fire: How to Choose Yourself, Burn the Rule Book, and Blaze Your Own Trail in Life and Business
In this book, Cara talks about choosing yourself, burning the rule book of what others tell you that you “should” do, and encourages you to blaze your own trail. It’s never too late to change your life into one that is brilliantly you. I really loved Cara’s fire and bravery in this book.
Fun Self-Growth Products
Rhinestone Jeweled Holy Grail Chalice
There’s a lovely process I teach my coaching clients where you release your negative lack-full energy into the chalice then imagine burning and recycling that energy inside the chalice followed by refilling yourself with high energy. This is a lovely chalice to use for that process or to just have in your sacred space as a beautiful reminder.
Empowering Programs, Workshops, & Events
Complimentary 10-day Watch Your Words Challenge
Join Christy Whitman’s complimentary 10-day Watch Your Words challenge – it’s so powerful. This is how I got my start on my healing path! You’ll learn simple shifts from what NOT to say and how to reframe what you say into aligned, high vibe, feel good language! You’ll be surprised to learn all of the common words and phrases your inner critic says that are steeped in lack and keep you manifesting what you don’t want instead of what you do.
The Ultimate Guide To Attracting High-End Clients & Free Workshop Series
For my business coaching friends, you’ll love to meet Eva Gregory and immerse yourself into her amazing resources and wisdom in this workshop series.
Discover the secrets to scaling your business with high-end clients who are hungry for what you offer! You’ll learn the 3 core components for growing a highly profitable business with high-end clients. Let us show you how to combine your zone of genius with the proven strategies that are working today to scale your business for greater impact, influence and income in this guide and the free accompanying workshop series!